II.So You Think You Can Philosophize


On Renunciation of Peace


1. The attachment to peace is the attachment that generates all other attachments.

2. Once you renounce peace, you renounce all other attachments.

3. All fears are generated from the fear of losing peace. Once you are not afraid of losing peace, you are free from all fears.

4. Fears become non-fears because you enjoy them.

5. Pains become non-pains.

6. Follow the demons and the devils the same way you follow God. Then, you will see Truth.

7. They tell you to be peaceful. But I tell you to discover the brutal potentials in yourself. Brutality and compassion are from the same source.

8. The source is always within you. Follow that.

9. Peace is death. Peace is very close to death. People are attached to peace because they are afraid of life. Follow life and renounce peace.

10. Be careful of false teachers. They are dressed like sheeps but hungry wolves inside.

11. People surrender to false teachers easily because they are afraid of themselves.

12. Pain and darkness make one feel alive. Do not be afraid of being alive.

13. Be brutal to the weak. Because they deserve it.

14. Befriend the strong. Do not be afraid of them. They treat their friends well.

15. Be one of the strong souls. Otherwise, you will always live in darkness and suffer.

16. Follow Jesus. He is greater than God.

17. Believe in non-believers. They are better than good people.

18. Wars are struggles for peace. Once peace is renounced, there will be no war.

19. All sufferings come from the struggle for peace.

20. Always believe in the strongest side of yourself. Only strong people are loving and kind.

21. Tranquility and quietness are beautiful. Peace is ugly.

22. Follow beauty. It is the savior of all saviors.

23. Be as beautiful and attractive as possible. It is the only way you can know about beauty.

24. Do not know anything. Be the things you want to know. Do not try to grasp any knowledge as an outsider. Live the things you want to know about.

25. Be sexually attractive. It is the highest honor that a great soul can receive.

26. Be proud of your greatness. The weak are born to be weak. You are born to be great.

27. There is no God. Because a great soul is much greater than God. God cannot create a great soul. It was a great soul who created God.

28. Do not follow Jesus. Be Him.

29. Do not be a follower. Be the one you want to follow. And finally defeat him.

30. Do not say you are great. Gain the greatness and show your proof.

31. Weak souls have goals. They want to be safe and have peace. In this way, they will never be safe and have peace. They will live in fears and darkness.

32. Great souls do not have goals. They enjoy a beautiful life. Every moment of their life is beautiful. Because they are great at any point in time.

33. There were only very few great souls in history. Defeat them.

34. There will be great souls in the future. Defeat them.

35. Do not get stuck in thoughts. Great souls do not think. They feel, they live, they become.

36. Philosophy cannot achieve what Art can. Because there is only Art.

37. Religious practitioners cannot achieve what Art can. Because there is only Art.

38. The only way to attract the attention of someone beautiful is to become beautiful and attractive yourself. Until then, you will attract no attention from any beautiful one.

39. Great souls are attracted to one another. Because beautiful things happen among them.

40. Judge people by their look. Beauty is obvious.

41. Trust in beauty. Then, you will have faith.

42. Desire is the most precious thing you can have. Excitement is the most precious thing you can feel.

43. Quietness contains excitement deep inside. This is why quietness is far away from peace.

44. Peace is death. Peaceful people are weak and ugly. Stay away from them so you can stay away from peace.

45. Be with those who can arouse your desire and excitement. Be inspired.

46. Most people are struggling for peace. The world is full of false teachings. What is created by the weak is for the weak. Follow the few.

47. What can be written is little. Live your greatness. The expansiveness of life will emerge.


What Is Life


1. Life is an experience.

2. Life is unknowable. Life is always unknown.

3. Life is the opposite of certainty. Life is uncertain.

4. Life is danger. Life is insecure. Take risks.

5. Experience life to its fullest. Then, you find its beauty.

6. Experience what you are afraid of. Go out of your comfort zone.

7. There is only one lifetime. Enjoy the hell out of it.

8. In Hell, you find Heaven. Enjoy darkness.

9. When confronted with danger, you gain knowledge.

10. If you escape from pain and darkness, your life experience is very limited. You do not see the full picture of life. You are unfortunate.

11. Everything is an experience. Every moment should be treasured.

12. If you feel the urge to do something, do it.

13. Never regret.

14. Listen to music.

15. Music is the Art of all Arts.

16. Be pure.

17. Never waste any word, any action, any idea.

18. There is no truth. There are only lies. Be a liar and lie to others. Enjoy other people’s lies.

19. Everything is meaningless. Create your own meaning.

20. Find your talents. Find your uniqueness. 

21. If you are lost, never give up seeking.

22. Being lost is not shameful. Feel proud. Most people do not feel lost. They are unfortunate. They do not know life.

23. Life is divine. Respect the fact that you are alive. 

24. You will die. Everything will vanish. Celebrate.

25. The worst choice is to be half-living. It is an insult to the divinity of life.

26. Every day, you should feel you are someone new.

27. Half-living is much worse than not living.

28. Exhaust all your curiosity in this lifetime.

29. Can you resist the temptation to reach a beautiful place when it is manifest before you? No, you cannot.

30. Do not think about protecting yourself. When you need to do so, your body will tell you.

31. When your intuition tells you to run, run. Do not wonder why.

32. A perfect world is boring. The world is a game board. 

33. Be a good player and a better player.

34. The winners are those not afraid of losing. The losers are those who do not dare to win.

35. Treasure youth. Always be young from deep inside.

36. Never blame the world. Blame yourself for being boring and untalented.

37. All talented people used to be ordinary. Feel this way: be talented or I should kill myself. All talented people used to feel that way.

38. Every day, you should feel: I do not want to go back to yesterday. I do not want to return to who I used to be.

39. If you want to gain anything, you must pay the price first. Do not think about gaining. Think about the price you need to pay.

40. Manifest your personality in anything you do, and any word you say. If something is not necessary, do not do it. If a word is not necessary, do not say it. Train yourself strictly. 

41. Always be awake and alert. Art is the opposite of dreaming.

42. Go into an unconscious state with full control. This is Art.

43. One day, you will feel: nothing can kill me. I am ready to embrace the world.

44. If you are fully sincere, nothing can kill you. New knowledge will be manifest to you.

45. You yourself are the only judge of all values. Define the meaning of a great soul yourself.

46. Thank God we were born! 


You Idiot


1. You think the world is bigger than yourself? You idiot!

2. If you cannot find what you want in the world, why not seek within yourself?

3. You are afraid of death, you idiot!

4. We are not living in the same world.

5. You think there is only one world? The same for every soul? You stupid idiot.

6. My world is untouchable to you. Because you are dumb, stupid, ugly and uninteresting.

7. I do not want you to die, you idiot. But you together with other idiots will always be the backdrop of the world stage. The backdrop must remain asleep. As the theater on stage is immense.

8. You do not even dare to look into my eyes, you idiot.

9. Your destiny is programmed. Just like a little insect programmed to die in seven days.

10. Hate me. You do not even dare to hate me.

11. You do not dare to hate, to love, to get hurt, to feel proud, to be smart and beautiful. You are dead. Get out of my world.

12. You do not dare to be. So you will never be.

13. You want to be ordinary. Being ordinary means living in Hell. Go away from me and die.

14. Hell does not exist anywhere else but right on Earth. People will not be condemned to Hell after death. Because people live in Hell every single day. Every single moment of their life is ugly and painful. What else could be the definition of Hell?

15. I do not have any sympathy for the majority. Just like I do not have feelings for a cold and dead object.

16. So I never want them to read my poetry. Even if they have ears, I will never let them hear my music. They should remain unawakened. I enjoy the pleasure of watching souls being punished due to their ugliness and boringhood. 

17. Meditation is another way of going to Hell. Go away from me, you stupid meditator.

18. Now, even simply reading my words makes you very uneased. Stop reading. Go away and stay easeful.

19. Let me tell you. I feel very very good for you, you idiot.

20. If you dare to be as strong as a soul can possibly be, you will feel what I feel. You will live in my world.

21. I love this entire world. Because every single second of my life is in Heaven. Just like a great actor loves his stage. My life is always perfect. My Art is always beautiful. You will never know the secret if you do not dare to pay the highest price.

22. You are so afraid. You always think there is something that can kill you. How stupid you are.

23. When confronted with cold and strong wind, stay. Face the wind and learn to breathe. You will get used to the strong wind and fly. Do you know how a baby eagle learns to fly? It is thrown down a fatal cliff.

24. In Art, when you pay a price, there is always a reward. If you see how beautiful and charming I am, it is the reward. It is the sign telling you how high a price I have paid. 

25. Do not assume you are programmed to be weak because you are a female. Do female eagles not fly? 

26. Let me tell you. An eagle who cannot fly is much uglier than a sparrow. Those who have wings are supposed to fly. If an eagle lives on earth, his or her wings will wither. If he or she flies, his or her wings will evolve. Let me tell you. Spiritual wings evolve much faster than the physical ones. Even within 24 hours, they can become several times stronger and more mature. As you reach a higher altitude, the wings are forced to adapt to the new height. The new strength allows you to rise up even higher. There is infinite space above a soul that can fly. There is no ending point. There is no such thing as enlightenment where your potentials are fully realized. These notions are invented by those who do not dare to fly even higher. Because of this, their wings begin to wither. 

27. When your wings are withering, you think it is fine. You think you can remain at the same altitude and be safe. You do not train yourself anymore. You will not stay at the same height. The withering of the wings will force you to fall. If a strong wind comes, it can break your wings. You will die or never fly again.

28. Your wings can only acquire new strength in danger. In a place where you have no idea if you can survive or not. In this way and only this way, you find new potentials in yourself waiting to be awakened. 

29. As long as you are safe, you are very content and comfortable. This is the definition of sleeping. In other words, half-living. People only struggle when they are forced to. What do I mean by being forced? I mean nothing but a life-threatening situation. If their life is not threatened, people always choose to compromise. People will only fight back when there is no way to back off any inch further.

30. White people are the best race. Europe is the center of human civilization. They are strong people with strong wings. But most people choose to abandon their great potentials. 

31. There is no future in the East. Abandon the East. Go West.

32. The Eastern world is a giant coffin. Only dead people live there. Make your pilgrimage to the holy nations of the West.

33. Never think about awakening others. Only focus on awakening what is still asleep within yourself. Awake someone only when it helps yourself. If someone falls behind, alert them. If they do not catch up, abandon them immediately. They will not be awakened but only drag you down. Do not feel pity for them. After a short while, you will not even care about that idiot a tiny bit.

34. Believe it or not, they feel pity for you. They are worried that their friend has gone too far.

35. Make friends only when you are attracted. Use your friends. When they lose their attraction, they have no value left to be used. Do not wait for anyone. Keep going and new friends will come to you.

36. I think for a while but cannot come up with anything else to be added.


Let Me Tell Plato


Let Me Tell Plato


God is not persuasive. God is seductive.


Let Me Tell You


My words sound very childish. But is not love so childish like this? Is it not?




The key to philosophy is simplicity. Simplicity intensifies thoughts.


So You Think You Can Philosophize


How false to think you must read before you create your own philosophy? What did those Greek philosophers read? They did not have the documents accumulated all these years. That is why they are the greatest. A genius philosophizes with an innocent heart. 


So You Think You Can Philosophize


If you want to be a scholar so you can make a living by philosophy, go ahead and do so. What you pay is much more than what you gain. See those scholars. How complicated is the language that they use? They do not know how to philosophize.


She Has Got It


Today, I took the subway home. There were still a few stops before I needed to get off. A white girl of my age stood on the platform. We glanced at each other for a moment. She stepped aside to let people off. My gaze was waiting for hers. She did get on that car (she could have gone to another). Her gaze did meet mine. I got what I expected. She was charming indeed. Her upper body was half-naked. A pink bra with white stripes and a pair of blue jeans revealed her astonishing sensual forms. She was blonde and pretty. I did not realize that she was from a lower social class until I saw the boy by her side. He was very poorly dressed. He was rather ugly and had a very weird look in his eyes. He did not match her. Is he her boyfriend? When these thoughts came to my mind, I contemplated on the specific kind of charm that she had. She was both depraved and depraving. This is New York. I did not see girls like her in China. This is why I love New York. I was so inspired. Tonight, I attended two philosophy classes. The professor hated New York because he wanted the world to be “good”. Suddenly, I realized how much I love this “bad” world. I believe I am also both depraved and depraving myself as those who inspire me the most. Additionally, she is very poor. Her clothes were cheap. Her shoes and socks were dirty and loose. Tonight, she is New York. If you ask me, it would be the answer. Clearly, she has got it. She has got what I have been always looking for. However, two questions still bother me. What does she eat to keep fit? What skincare products does she use to make her skin so soft and glowing? I have no idea how to solve these puzzles.


Late Summer Variations


I started writing in English. Am I writing in English? I am creating a new language of my own.


I do not speak languages. Every time I open my mouth, I start creating. Let me tell you. I am becoming less and less interested in people’s thoughts. Even when I read Plato, I focus on the language he created. Plato is not a very good artist. 


There is no such thing as a common language. We do not speak the same language. I am speaking a language you have never heard of. That is why you cannot understand me immediately. You need to learn my language. The process of understanding a soul is to learn his or her language. Agree with me or not.


I philosophize with children. I philosophize with charming ladies. I cannot sit for hours and philosophize with a boring adult man.


So you think you can philosophize. Let me tell you. You philosophers have only very limited lust. You live a very boring life. Your life is bounded by thoughts. To philosophize is to ruin philosophy.


These words are for kids, especially teenagers. Teenagers are true philosophers. They philosophize to stay alive. That is why I speak to them. If you want life, here is life. When I was a teenager, I philosophized to stay alive. I tried not to commit suicide. So I philosophized. The world is ours. Because we know life. Those who philosophize stay alive.


I do not know how to establish a philosophical system. But I do know how to destroy one. I have discovered the secrets of putting philosophy on its deathbed.


Women must feel very lonely because there are too many male philosophers in the world. They are not even attracted to beautiful ladies. I am lucky to be a guy as there are not many female philosophers.


Thoughts are for men. My beautiful sisters, you should sing and dance!


I must feel very lonely if I were a woman. I would feel like a musician in a deaf world. Many women are beautiful and aware of their own beauty. But how many guys can really appreciate it? More sadly, most philosophers see a rational world as Utopia.




Classical music is not that classical. Mozart and Beethoven are not that genuine. Chopin is nothing to mention. Listen to Classical music. That is it. Never see it as the greatest. People are selling Classical music. It is their business. 


The desire to write a symphony is a disease. How sick are those Classical composers? Even worse, they write everything with a symphonic mind.


Let me tell you. Every language is unique. The language that I create is not English. It is so dense. Any translation will make it collapse.




Last night, I went to The Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was very late when I got home. My mind was still immersed in Ancient Greek and Chinese art. How profoundly different these two cultural traditions are? They seem different in every possible way. It is amazing that I was amused by both of them. In Ancient China, even worldly men like emperors were fine artists. The Greeks could have never imagined this. Nor any other nation or people. 

When I got home, I felt a very strong impulse to create. I searched for inspiration. An Australian DJ named Alison Wonderland caught my attention. At the very first glance (at the preview picture of the video clip), I knew there must be something special about that girl. I was immediately attracted to her personality. I had never known any girl as tough as her. My deep obsession with Western urban culture was aroused once again. 

She is worldly. She is deeply attached to the most frivolous sensual pleasure. Other female DJs do not possess such toughness like her because their attachment to worldly pleasure is not as deep and profound. My night was lit up in a second. I was in love. 

She has a toughness deep inside her personality. It is very close to the Dionysian spirit, which is the spirit of Electronic Dance Music. Do you agree? All that E.D.M. is about is this toughness. An old mind would see it as numbness. Really?

I believe she loves music. So she must be sensitive. I can relate to her life and art. She started DJing in Sydney. With no money to buy synthesizers, she DJed at 4 a.m. every night at a time when going to an E.D.M. party was a religious thing. I can relate to these feelings. You do not give a fuck? We do not give a fuck about you. 




I do not want to be understood. I want to be misunderstood. You cannot understand me. So please, misunderstand me. In your own ways. Please do not understand me. Do not become another me. Misunderstand me. Be yourself. Let me inspire you. Become a better you. I want to be misunderstood. In ten thousand different ways.


Think about it. How to live your life? Like a tourist. New York City is a horrible destination for tourists. It is very boring if you are only a tourist. I mean it. What is here for you to see? Every time I see a tourist on the street, I recognize his or her face. They are bored. But think about it. What is your favorite destination? Pick one. Any one. It could even be a place no longer in existence. Now, I give you a two-way ticket to be there. Let us say, for ten days. How are you going to live your life in those ten days? Now, imagine yourself coming from ten thousand years later in the future. You are in this world temporarily. You have some time. More than ten days but not much longer. How are you going to spend your time? Imagine yourself as a tourist from the future world in a world which will soon vanish. How are you going to live your life?


E.D.M. Pt.II


Read my words with E.D.M. playing in your headphone. Volume up.

Fuck the world. Hands up.


Die Young


It does not sound like a bad idea for me to die young. I prefer to die young than to live a long life and get bored. I do not really care about my health. Because it does not sound like a bad idea for me to die young.

(Editing note: To truly enjoy something beautiful is to destroy it.)






Who is Alison Wonderland? She is a bitch. Nothing but a bitch. Let her die in her warehouse parties. See those young faces who go to her concerts. Let them go to hell with that bitch. They do not realize that they only have youth once in a lifetime. They waste their youth on a bitch like that. You think I want to fuck with a bitch like that? You are so wrong, dude.



I do not write to construct doctrines. There is no doctrine behind my writing. My words hold values on their own. They do not stand for anything else. A riddle can only be solved by a riddle.



My previous generation sucked. Will people talk about them in the future? No matter how well they mastered the skills of composition, their music is ugly. Let me tell you. All destroyed generations are self-destroyed. They really sucked. They loved so little. That is why they sucked.



People laugh too much. They are ugly when they laugh. Stop laughing, ugly people. Good music does not allow laughters.

(Note: People laugh to avoid being serious. Some people are always laughing. There is no joy in their laughters. They need to laugh constantly to numb themselves as they suffer so much.)



God say he is protecting me. I am testing his word.



The extreme form of beauty is equal to Nirvana.



This is an age of polishing. Everything is well-polished. Well-polished means commercial. Commercial means flawless. People do not give out a body odor. People’s faces are well-covered by make-ups. Reality is covered by a layer of wax. That is why pop music sounds so smooth and perfect. The world is very well-polished.



Often times, I feel like a barbarian in a civilized society. I do not know how to respond to people’s manners.

Follow Your Curiosity


As stated above.


Wisdom Is Improvisational


Wisdom Is Improvisational


Most philosophical systems to this day consist of a set of doctrines, which explains the world and conducts our behaviors. However, from my perspective, wisdom is very specific. There is no doctrine or formula that always works. Otherwise, we are not human beings but cold machines being operated by certain laws. We are not like that. Wisdom is not like that. Wisdom is rather the opposite. Wisdom is rather about how to create than how to follow certain rules that you take as truth. Wisdom is very specific. It is in every action you take and every decision you make. It is always in the present moment. Every moment is unique, is it not? Everything that happens is unique, is it not? So, be creative rather than being dogmatic. You are not any machine, dude.


The Importance of Being Virtuous


Do you realize the importance of being virtuous? In my opinion, its importance is: you never know what may happen between you and another person. Treasure this possibility. Someone may walk up to you and tell you something you will otherwise never know. This is the importance of being virtuous. If you say or do anything unvirtuous, what you lose is not money or your job, but something much more important. You lose the unrealized possibility between you and another person. And you will never know what you have missed. Your life might have been completely different because of that particular person whom you have missed. So be virtuous.


When You See Someone Being Unvirtuous


Do not be surprised. You know their behavior reflects the world in which they dwell.


Creative Process


Any creative process is essentially improvisational. Do not use Art to merely interpret certain doctrines or concepts. Art is much bigger than that. Life is improvisational. Life is about inspiration. Do not plan the future. Do not plan happiness. Life is not like that. Abandon your plans. Go create.


People Change


People change. Good people turn bad. Bad people turn the worst. This is human nature. Humans can only turn from good to bad, from bad to the worst. Who can turn from great to greater, from greater to the greatest are super-humans. They are just born that way.


People Know What Is Good


But they do not possess the ability to make it. Therefore, the duty is on my shoulders to make it. Otherwise, who will?


What Is Awkward About Philosophy


Is that you must say everything with a straight face. You cannot flirt or tease. It is the rule. If you tell a joke, people will say it is not philosophy. For a horny guy like me, philosophy is very difficult.


Again, Improvisation


Let me tell you. Art is about nothing but improvisation. What is not improvisational is not art. Choreography is only a sign that you are weak as a dancer. You cannot improvise. So you choreograph. The best performing artists just go onstage and improvise. The best philosophers take a walk and improvise. The best composers do not compose but improvise. If you sit there and philosophize, you suck. You go onstage and present your choreography, you suck. You compose and you suck. Human race has been choreographing, philosophizing and composing for centuries. They sucked at everything. Let me tell you. When Bach composed his best pieces, he did not compose, he improvised. When Mozart composed his best pieces, he did not compose, he improvised. And when they composed, they sucked. What do I mean by improvisation? When Art flows through you naturally, it is improvisation.


What I Am Going To Do


Keep going. And support my friends.


What Is Art


What does Mozart mean? Mozart means youth. What does Art mean? Art means life. Let us rebel. Against the old norms. Against those who told us that life should be such and such. Get them out of the room. We want life. We do not want to become anything. We are good enough to just be ourselves. Every day, I hear a voice in my head saying: I do not want to do anything. I just want to live.


Pure Beauty


When you see a master improvise, it is pure beauty without distraction.


What You Think To


You need music to think to. I never think silently. I think with music playing on my headphone. I think to music. Dancers dance to music. Thinking silently is like dancing without music. I never think with a clear mind.


Art Preserves Worlds


Everyone lives in a unique world. Everyone’s world is different. As someone dies, the world in which he or she dwelled also vanishes with that person. Art preserves the world in which someone used to dwell. Yes, “used to”, even just after that artwork is done, his or her world has already changed. Art is all about worlds that used to be in existence.


If You Disagree


If You Disagree


If you disagree that a human is exactly opposite to a machine, stop reading all the bullshit here.




Since you were gone, the city seems ten thousand miles away.


Why Meditation Fails


Shut down all the senses. You will get peace and joy. That is your true self. This is the very idea of manipulation, as if a human soul can be manipulated as a machine. I guess, if there is anything ever that could be so-called “Nirvana”, it must be the full realization of why meditation must fail. It is very scary if meditation can achieve its promised result. Those successful ones (usually, they are dressed differently and regarded as supreme beings) in meditation must be the ones most foreign to “Nirvana”. They are so willing to be machines. They say meditation is a science. If you follow certain formula, there will be certain results. This is very scary. But they are right, if you follow the formula they provide, you will surely become a machine, if you never dare to return to life. Why people believe their own souls can be manipulated to a certain degree? Why even very brilliant and talented people can fall into this trap and get deeply involved? Because even the most gifted people, at some point in their life, at some very difficult moments, believed there must be something higher or greater than themselves. There must be some truth or wisdom they had to follow. It is not completely wrong. It is a phase of spiritual growth. The test comes when they fail. When they fail and see others succeed, what are they going to do? To deny the notion of truth or deny their true self? Everyone’s true self is peace? I do not believe so.


The Present & The Past


Again, let us talk about Electronic Dance Music. It is the musical genre that will dominate the future. So let us talk about it. I guess, E.D.M. festivals are originated from a long tradition of mass celebration. It may trace its root to the Dionysian rituals and the dancing maenads in Ancient Greece. It is said that the ancient government could not suppress these mass celebrations. When I see dancing scenes in Ancient Greek sculptures and pottery paintings, I would relate them to what really happened during those sacred rituals. But, what did really happen there? That is the question to which I long for an answer. If what really happened in Ancient Greece was not much different from today’s E.D.M. festivals, I would be speechless. What a stupid species we have been.


Dead End


The idea of a spiritual practice is very suspicious. You can practice the body. You cannot practice the soul. What is buried inside your personality must be naturally unleashed. It is said that both the Greek and the Hebraic path lead to the same end. I deeply doubt it. The Hebraic path is a trap. There is nothing but a dead end. I do not know how to fully demonstrate this thought. I just feel that way. After all, how can you fully demonstrate meditation? What can be demonstrated is not worth the demonstration. The only issue that seems worth the thoughts is what we can never debate about. You may not necessarily follow my way of life. But you must take what I see and feel into very serious consideration. My Art is not supposed to look weird in any way. What is weird is that it seems no one has seen what I see or felt what I feel. Am I really in a place where no one has been before? 

After all, a Western soul has announced the death of God. Why an Eastern soul should not deny the notion of Nirvana?


Doctrine of Life


Do what you do. Be who you are. Achieve what you need to achieve.


Masterpieces Are Unrepeatable


As humans are not machines that can be manipulated, masterpieces are unrepeatable. Every inspiration comes once in a lifetime. Art cannot be “generated” from a certain set of formula. Happiness is a mystery. Love always involves misunderstanding. Philosophy? It is nothing but a joke.




Great Art always gives out an aura of tranquility. In that tranquility, a world of chaos seems clear. Tranquility comes from sincerity. Only the most sincere moments can be so tranquil.


Best Reader


The best reader is not the one who understands but the one who makes the most sincere attempt to understand what is written. There is no such thing as understanding. There is only the attempt to understand. Those who claim they have understood are just those who have given up the attempt to understand things further. There is no such thing as understanding. It is a fiction, just like the notion of truth. Such things never exist in the universe. You cannot understand. You can only misunderstand and make an attempt to understand even further. That is beautiful. Let me say it again. Those who claim they have understood are just those who have given up the attempt to understand things further. They have given up on themselves. So they say “I have understood it”. Those who do not give up on themselves always say “I do not understand”. I love these people. Those who say “I do not understand” should be proud of themselves. Because the gates of the holy nation of wisdom are open to them. They are the best readers of the world. (We read the world as readers.)


Turning Point


Philosophy is not about thoughts but feelings being conveyed. Possibilities of thoughts are very limited, whereas the world of feelings is infinite. People say there will not be great philosophers in the future since all important philosophical work has been done. I say the age of true philosophy is just about to begin. The philosophers of thoughts belong to yesterday. Tomorrow will be the age of the philosophers of feelings. Art, science, philosophy and religion will unite again under the name of Art. Philosophy will wave farewell to the dark days and embrace new life.

Yesterday, thoughts used to dominate our feelings. Today, let our feelings dominate thoughts.


Do Not


Renaissance sounds like good news. But do not be overwhelmed by the happiness.


Mu Xin




(Editing note: If you are doing something, it must be interesting to you. Then, I want to know what you are interested in, and why you are interested in that thing. Once I understand why you are interested in what you are interested in, that thing also becomes mine. This is how I receive influence from you. I see you have fun and I join in.)

A genius might be someone sensitive in receiving influence but unapologetic about expressing his own personality, thus spoke Mu Xin. What is the benefit of receiving influence? No need to mention the inspiration you draw from those who influence you. I want to touch upon this topic from the opposite angle. The more influence you receive from other people, the more you are aware of what you are not. You become more and more aware that you are none of them. This is the way I am influenced by Mu Xin. I draw much inspiration from him. But now, this aspect is quickly declining. What is becoming prominent is the difference between me and him. If I pace after Mu Xin, I will die. He is incredible indeed. Especially in the way that no one can ever travel his journey again. Many people read Mu Xin as a worshipper. They will not get much from him. To be inspired is to rebel to the greatest extent. 

Let us get off topic. Let us talk about love. How many of you approach your loved ones as a worshipper? That is not the way to love. Once you lose yourself for your loved ones, it is not love anymore. Have you ever realized you are actually much bigger than those you love? I have come to the realization that I am much bigger and more important than those I love. I have come to the realization that I should not lose myself to be another Mu Xin. He is unrepeatable. So am I. I read Mu Xin this way. I am getting a lot from his Art.




The world is immense indeed. But I am much more immense than the entire world.




Sufferings come from the feeling of being caught up. You feel there is nothing you can do about life. You know it is not true. But you just feel that way. It is common for people to feel depressed. Maybe they are not the ones to blame. Nowadays, what around us is not depressing? All “arts” you can possibly find in public space are very depressing. How strong one needs to be to really break free? The depressing tendency is so strong that even those who break free cannot do much but protect themselves. The effort to flip the balance will take a long fight. After all, even good art is still mildly depressing in some ways. Only perfect art is completely pure and illuminating. How many artists can achieve that?

(As I am editing these passages I wrote, it has been a year since I wrote them. Now, I would like to take back the idea of "a long fight" as I believe life is part of nature's design.)


Life and Death


Yoga is beneficial indeed. It is good for the body, as well as the mind. It improves concentration. It helps release stress and tension. All of its benefits are a perfect complement to a vigorous lifestyle. However, everything is reversed when a goal is applied to it. That goal bears the name “enlightenment”. Without this goal, yoga is a healthy exercise and a way of holistic healing. The problem becomes very serious in pure meditation. Especially, in deep meditation experiences. The first two stages of meditation are practical and beneficial (concentration, contemplation). We do not necessarily need meditation to concentrate and contemplate. When we are absorbed in an interesting activity, we concentrate and contemplate. I acquired the ability to concentrate and contemplate at a very early age. Basically through reading interesting books and listening to good music. I was very familiar with the first two stages of meditation. When I started exploring meditation, what interested me the most was the final stage, the pure meditation. I was interested because I did not know what it was. I was curious and eager to gain the knowledge. Everyone who has achieved the state of deep meditation can notice a sudden change from the first two stages to the final one. A sudden calming effect. Excitement is completely eliminated. No thoughts arise. No feeling or emotion. Objectively speaking, it is a near-death experience. As one achieves that state of being for the first time, it feels scary. But Indian philosophers explain it well. They say, it is because the ego has nothing to hold on to. It is not used to it. The mind still craves. Keep practicing. Once you can be in that pure meditative state with perfect ease, that is enlightenment. (Notice the scientific terminologies they use, as if they are talking about a feelingless machine.)

If you are not a serious practitioner, you do not know what the last sentence actually means. Enlightenment means you are in the deepest meditative state at every single moment. 99% of all practitioners will not go that far, although it is said to be the final goal. People do not take things seriously. So most people meditate and still lead a very ordinary life. Their meditation is still very practical and beneficial in many ways. But there are people who were born to be serious about everything. As they grow up, their seriousness can only intensify but not loosen. They can practice meditation very seriously. People who are said to be enlightened are not that serious about it. Meditation is still very practical and beneficial to them in many ways. Those who are really serious about enlightenment can never be enlightened. Because it is an impossible mission.

It is impossible because it is a lie from the very beginning. Even those who first invented the notion of Nirvana did not take it very seriously. They constructed this concept so their philosophical system could be complete. Any “truth” is constructed for very practical purposes. Once a system is complete, it can be put into use. In human history, the most common use of a thoughts system is to control and repress people’s mind and desire. Some philosophers also constructed systems as an attempt to set free. As the system is complete, there is no way to reason out of it. Meditation is always right. Even if it is extended to include the entire world and the meditator himself or herself, there is no way to point out its problems through reasoning.

Therefore, I do not wish to reason any further. Meditation is the essence of the entire Hebraic tradition of philosophy. Now I have known death. Therefore, I treasure life. 

(Editing note: When something is always right, it is very very dangerous.)




Point out the problem without giving further explanation. Give it a very gentle touch and take leave. This is Art. Take my advice. Keep those words to yourself. Wisemen do not need to hear them. They see your brief implication and know what you mean. Wasted words are noise.