VI.Individualism Beyond Philosophy


If You Love

If you love someone and you feel you cannot be a completely free individual, that love contains some degree of sympathy. Sympathy always requires a sacrifice of freedom.

Do I Want

There are two ways to appreciate Art. Two questions. First, do I want the author to be my lover? Second, do I want to be him or her myself?

All Pessimistic

The greatest Artists are all pessimistic. Why? Pessimism is individualism.

Come After

Destiny plans great happiness with long miseries. Why? Happiness leads to optimism. Miseries lead to strength and integrity. True happiness only comes after strength and integrity.

For Many

For many philosophers, there must be an explanation to the world or they cannot live. Why? Life is so natural. However, they have been taken so far away from life. Life already seems so strange to them.

I Call

What Schopenhauer calls Will, I call it Lust.

Life Is Immense

My friend, do you know what is most interesting about life? What is most interesting is that life is always different from my expectation. Whatever I thought life was going to be, no matter good or bad, it always turns out a surprise. So, gradually, I learn to replace expectation by curiosity. And I also believe more and more firmly that life is neither good nor bad. Life is just immense.

Always Enigmatic

The first stage in the development of attractiveness is self-awareness. (Before this stage, it is not even attractiveness.) Artists who achieve this first stage are new money in this career. They show off their beauty. They pay attention to how people respond to it. They wonder why when people do not respond to it. They are still nervous about their gift.

It is when this wealth is transformed into pure dignity and integrity that attractiveness becomes mature. This is how nobility is made. Mature Artists are self-aware but also careless of their own beauty. This carelessness makes them even more attractive. The world cannot see through their happiness and sorrows. Mature Artists are always enigmatic.

Not Flower Vases

Artists are not flower vases. They are not exhibited so the world can look better. Their attractiveness is not to be used that way. They need to stand up and move. The power is given to them so a new world will be created. Their life is neither good nor bad. It is just their role. They are born to be different and create.

Never Sacrifice

Always enjoy yourself to the fullest. Always have fun in every moment. Otherwise, you are already a loser suffering deficiency. You are already not getting the best out of life. No matter what you may get in return.

Never sacrifice fun for anything or anyone in the universe.


You do not understand me. You are not as good as me. But you are an interesting person. I love you.

We are two entities. We can never be each other. But at this moment, we are one.

You are funny, interesting, talented and virtuous. But I am not in love with you. It is simply because I am uninterested.


Being attractive is fun. Fun makes me even more attractive. It is a happy trap.


Philosophers are not my enemies. If only I was not theirs.


Music is curiosity. Curiosity is lust.

Lust is curiosity. Curiosity is music.

Are You

All of philosophy is about naming strategies. When they invented the word “crave”, they wanted to cast negative shadow on life. I am not even "craving" right now. At this moment, all my life is just "craving". There is nothing other than passion in my life. Yes, what they call "craving", I call it passion.

We should be craving. You do not live until you start craving. You are only half-living until you crave. Why you are afraid of craving? Are you afraid of pain? Are you afraid of the true version of life?

I crave the world and I own it.


If I am really the greatest Artist in the world, there will not be my rivals. Even in the past or in the future, there are only few of them. Do I hate the world for not being my equal? Am I seeking rivals? If so, I am really not the greatest Artist.

I have infinite curiosity for the world. My curiosity is never tired at any moment. As long as I am curious, the world keeps surprising me. The more surprises I encounter, the less I seek. The less I seek, the more curious I become.

If I do not seek anyone or anything, all in this world are surprises. If all in this world are surprises, all in me must be curiosity.

This is love.


This is why I hate truth. When you talk about truth, you think you have known all the mysteries of life. You are sure that the world must be what you think it is. When the world contradicts your truth, you blame the world for not being what it should be. You refuse to let go of your truth. You feel reality is more and more distant from you.

Do not be a philosopher or a religious practitioner. There is nothing you need to philosophize or practice. Nothing. Be an Artist and fly. Never allow any damn truth to limit your curiosity, your passion to live and dream, your endless ability to love and give.

Once you are determined to live, never give up. Once you know what you want, no one can stop you, including yourself.